we want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. If you are not entirely happy, we offer hassle-free returns and exchanges.
Return Period:
You have 3 days from the date of purchase to initiate a return.
Items must be in their original condition, unused, and with all tags attached. Certain items may be excluded from returns for hygiene reasons.
How to Return:
To start your return, please contact our customer service team at to receive a return authorization.
If you would like to exchange an item for a different size or color, please follow the return process and place a new order for the desired item.
Refunds will be processed within 7 business days after we receive your returned item.
Shipping Costs:
Original shipping costs are non-refundable. You will be responsible for return shipping costs unless the item is defective or incorrect, you have to pay shipping cost.
For any questions or further assistance, feel free to reach out to our customer support team.
Thank you for shopping with us!